Iglesia de San Andrés en Villabuena de Álava - Eskuernaga

San Andrés Church

You find yourself in Plaza Gernikako Arbola, and the most prominent building in it is undoubtedly the Church of San Andrés, the patron saint of the municipality. The church was built over a long period of time, between 1539 and 1728, in three different stages, so the building blends different styles: from late Gothic to Baroque.

It has two facades. On the main one – the western one – Saint Andrew presides, located in a niche from the 17th century. On the southern side is the bricked-up door of San Miguel, with a figure of the saint possibly also from the 17th century.

The tower, with a square plan, consists of two sections and ends with a stepped stone pyramid.

Inside, you can enjoy the sober altarpiece, in Renaissance style, from the 16th century, where the Tabernacle also stands out, also from the same century. In the transept, on both sides, you can admire two Baroque altarpieces dedicated to Saint Peter and Saint John.

Also noteworthy is the Gothic-style baptismal font, located inside a chapel with an artistic grille and decorated with various paintings. There is also a 16th-century image of the Virgin of the Grapes.

On the opposite side of the square, we find an emotional tribute to the women of Villabuena.

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