Gymkhana. The Adventure Begins
If Villabuena de Álava has caught your attention, it might have been due to the wine. Not in vain we say that “we are the town with the most wineries per capita in the world”. But Villabuena is much more. And on this journey – among vineyards and wineries – you’ll see that.
Before we begin, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the details about Villabuena de Álava that we present here. They will be part of the «final test».
Are you ready?
This is a gymkhana, and therefore, we detail some things you should keep in mind:
- The gymkhana will take you approximately 45 minutes.
- You need to have mobile data enabled on your mobile device.
- You will come across a question where you’ll decide whether you have time or not… To answer it, keep in mind that saying “yes” it will take you about 45 minutes more.
- At each stop, read the texts and pay attention to all the details you can… written information, numbers, curious details, …
- If you’re unsure where to go next, you can ask people you encounter, check the internet… whatever you deem appropriate.
- The time you take isn’t as important as visiting all the proposed sites because there will be an test later that will add or subtract points depending on your answers.
Let’s check if you’ve already read the information about Villabuena that we recommended. You’ll need to answer this question to know how to continue…